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12-14 June 2025

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Chinese Market Opens For Turkish Foods

Time: 2013-10-31

Turkey and Chinasigned memorandum of understanding for food security which opens the world"ssecond biggest market to Turkish food sector. Turkish food goods until now havebeen entering Chinamostly indirectly.


Turkish Food and Agriculture Minister MehdiEker signed the memoradum with the head of Chinese Quality Control Regulation,C? ?uping. "The memorandum will contribute a lot to Chinese-Turkishcommerce relations," Eker said following ceromony. Eker stressed that mostof the Turkish food stuff could not have entered China directly up until now butwith deal they set out common principles about the food security. "Turkishproducer would start exporting fresh fruit and vegetables, white meat and diaryproducts to China  in the first place," Eker said.


Ci ?uping, on the other hand, drewattention to Turkey"sgeo-political significance and said Turkey is the engine of Europeaneconomy.


Turkish economy, one of the fastest growingof the decade in the world, mainly relies on exports, which has been sloweddown due to financial crisis of its biggest customer, European Union. Sincithen, Turkish government has been trying to diversify its export market to  make its export driven economy more durableto the financial crisis.


Trade volume between China and Turkey is around 25 billiondollars. However, trade balance between the two is dramaticaly in favor ofChinese. Turkey imports 22billion dollars of goods from Chinawhile only exporting 3 billion.